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Product Description

This girth has been design tested and is scientifically proven to improve your horses comfort by investigating its use using pressure mapping techniques and gait analysis data examination. The standard gauge long girth is suitable for use with GP and two-flap jump saddles and the narrow version is designed to cater for horses with a very forward girth groove that does not allow room behind the shoulder for adequate movement and so this girth version has been slimmed down and the girth groove has been cut forward slightly more to reach under and wrap the horses sternebrae to offer the support needed.

It is uniquely contoured to avoid the sensitive area behind the elbow. Strategically placed cushioning allows the front edge of the girth to "to float" and allow the horse's muscles to move underneath it, rather than being blocked by it. The patented combination of the contour and the cushioning creates a "buffer zone" which prevents a "hard" edge and allows the horse greater freedom of movement.

Central buckle for martingale or breastplate attachment.

Non-elasticated providing better stability particularly on saddles that move due to girth elastic weakness either due to age or poor design.


Product Code

Prolite Long Girth

Item in Stock

Product Code PROLONG