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Product Description

The design of the Prolite Pony Girth has been tested and scientifically proven using pressure mapping techniques and analysing gait analysis data.
The Prolite Pony Girth is suitable for use with GP and two-flap jump saddles.

It is uniquely contoured to avoid the sensitive area behind the elbow. Strategically placed cushioning allows the front edge of the girth to "to float" and allow the pony's muscles to move underneath it, rather than being blocked by it. The patented combination of the contour and the cushioning creates a "buffer zone" which prevents a "hard" edge and allows the pony greater freedom of movement.
The result is greater shoulder freedom of movement which is especially important for showing, jumping or dressage ponies where movement and expression are important aspects of the task in hand.

The Pony Girth does not have a martingale attachment and comes with webbing buckle straps to help reduce bulk under the saddle flap.

Note on sizing:

The Pony Prolite Girth comes in one width only - pony width. Although it is narrower than the full-size version It is not possible to compare it directly to either the standard or narrow gauge Prolite girth because the pony model is a completely ’scaled down’ version of the original - it has smaller proportions designed to fit the pony rib cage having a different radius when measured as rib cage section.


The problem of saddle stability is often due to a poor girths ability to secure the saddle effectively and elasticated girths that are either not strong enough or elastic that is old and degenerated which allows the saddle the freedom to move.


Prolite / Fairfax
Product Code

Prolite Pony Girth

Item in Stock

Product Code PROPONY