Safety Wear

Riding is not without its hazards and rider falls from horses are common and do not always happen in a competitive environment. Rotational falls are one of the worst types of fall a rider can have as the rider is taken along within the rotational movement and often head first with the body following with the horse arriving on top causing major injury for its rider. Proper head protection, shoulder and body protection can reduce the severity of the outcome. But some falls happen at the walk with the horse making a trip and going down in a similar way. Or a rider being thrown from the horse and landing on a road or hard ground. The riders head shoulder and rib cage are often the most badly damaged in a fall but limbs, elbows, wrists and ankles can also be shattered as well.

Safety Wear dramatically reduces any damage done to the upper body and rib cage which improves recovery outcomes so consider adequate body protection to enjoy riding safely. Here under this category page we have a range of body protectors for all riders.

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